Monday, 7 October 2013


Welcome to our eTwinning project blog!

We are five different schools from several Europeans countries sharing this space to get our pupils improve their English through real communicative situations. These situations are related to our pupils closest contexts:

- Their schools
- Themselves
- Their cities
- Their countries

Each school will exchange the above information with one of the four groups in Fructuós Gelabert School:

1. Základná škola s materskou školou brehy (Slovakia) with the 6th graders called "Trivial" in Fructuós Gelabert School.

2. Astiki Scholi Chiou (Greece) with the 5th graders called "Billar" in Fructuós Gelabert School.

3. PEV School from Denizli (Turkey) with the 6th graders called "Escacs" in Fructuós Gelabert School.

4.Skoła Podstawowa Im.Św. Franciszka Asyżu w Świekatowie Gimnazjum Im. Boh. (Poland)  with the 5th graders called "Cluedo" in Fructuós Gelabert School.

Therefore, the pupils taking part of this project are aged 10 to 12 years old and will use their own school tab of this blog to post comments, photos, videos, interviews about the topics mentioned above.

The steps to carry out each of the activities will be posted in this main page, little by little.

Are you ready to start? All aboard then!

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